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“Sometimes all it takes is a tiny shift of perspective to see something familiar in a whole new light.” - Dan Brown


Narnia is Real.

Snow joke. One of the nicer Southern English Winters.


Some trippy tesy footage from Mount Snowdon, Wales.


Striding Ridge.

Crossing the icy striding ridge of Helvellyn in the Lake District.

Lake Tahoe.

It felt like we had the whole lake to ourselves.


Scafell’s Dream.

Cruising in and out of the cloud line on Scafell Pike felt almost dreamlike.

Dover at Dawn.

A small segment from the Slowlines “Repeat and Restart” video .


Hat Point Lookout.

Fell in love with fire lookouts in Oregon.

Rimrock Heights.

Enjoying some isolation in Joshua Tree, CA.


Rollright Stones.

Unleashing my inner druid to a bit of classic rock.

The Montgo.

Climb a mountain in Spain in the height of summer, they said. It’ll be fun, they said… It was!


Cruising at Cap Prim.

Some places can only be seen by boat… or drone.



